83 Following

Randolph "Dilda" Carter

A rant about books, horror, and the weird.  I sometimes take on my love/hate relationship with goodreads and Amazon.

Currently reading

Perchance to Dream: Selected Stories
Ray Bradbury, Charles Beaumont, William Shatner
Progress: 140/336 pages
Keith Roberts

Fine Find

Fine Frights - David Case, Peter Phillips, Philip K. Dick, John Brunner, Perceval Landon, Ramsey Campbell, Karl Edward Wagner, Thomas Ligotti, Joseph Payne Brennan, Bob Shaw, Arthur Gray, Villy Sørensen, Shamus Frazer

I picked up this little gem in a used bookstore. Campbell picks the stories that scared him as a child and teenager and throws in a few more modern frights. Every story is great. Campbell really put some heart and real thought into this, tracing down the stories that had really made an impression on him. These are not just the usual anthology fare. Many of the stories are quite obscure and rare, I had only read a couple before. Campbell couldn't even trace the copyright on one story, (author: Shamus Frazer?).

If you can find this it is a real treat.