Lets start off by saying: I hate superheroes. The little I toyed with the Batman, Superman, and the Green Hornet never excited my imagination. I could never get past the costume, and cape, and secret identity thing. I could never suspend my disbelief (still can't, the current crop of cinema gems included). At least the Batman doesn't have "super powers." That said, if all superhero comics were like this one I could be converted. Crammed with Jungian and Freudian symbolism and mythological references, I was able to ignore the Caped Crusader's silliness and just revel in Morrison's story and McKean's artwork.So, I'm not sure how this would appeal to the typical superhero comic lover. In any case, enough has been written about this mega-seller that my little opinion amounts to about zero.I found the script to be useful once I had read the main book once for seeing what Morrison was trying to do. A second more careful read was essentially a new adventure. I found the story boards to be mere filler.