I thought about four stars, the story was well crafted and well written. The suspense was adequate. However the bulk of the novel was pretty standard werewolf fare, at least to me. The ending didn't really "Oh Wow" me either as much as the author intended. I didn't really feel that bad about the grim outcome for most of the characters, so I don't think I connected as much as I would have with a really great novel. Having read The Bleeding Season (not a werewolf story, but certainly a horror story) by Greg Gifune recently this book had a lot to live up to. I'm already biased against the whole horror sub-genre thing: werewolves, vampires, and zombies (except for ghost stories) so that's sort of unfair as well. Plenty of good blood and guts and ultraviolence for those that need or want that sort of thing. I thought the dialogue a bit strained. There was a lot of foul language, a lot of fecking as they say. I'm no prude, but I thought the language a little excessive, after all not EVERYONE I know talks that way ALL the time.But if you like werewolf novels this is a pretty good one. I'm not sorry I read it.