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Randolph "Dilda" Carter

A rant about books, horror, and the weird.  I sometimes take on my love/hate relationship with goodreads and Amazon.

Currently reading

Perchance to Dream: Selected Stories
Ray Bradbury, Charles Beaumont, William Shatner
Progress: 140/336 pages
Keith Roberts


Jack in the Green - Charles de Lint

I bought this Subterranean Press grab bag and I've been trying to wade through all the novellas that came in it. I've never read anything by the hallowed De Lint before but this just wasn't very good so I wouldn't start here. The sentiments are right but the story is too preachy. It is some kind of Robin Hood fairy tale updated to contemporary times and given a drug war bent. And then it has this resurrection theme too but also involves a high body count(Is it Christian or just Magic?). It involves mainly teenagers then why was it written as though it should be read to an 8 year old? Good question, because you would never read this to an 8 year old. The story isn't even very good. The only thing that saves it from two stars are the cover and the all too few illustrations by Charles Vess.